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Sunday, March 8, 2009

jUmBle III

*It frustrates me that I'm not blogger savvy enough to make the cute headers. For the life of me I can't figure them out...
*I think I'm quitting Winder Farms much as I love them it's a very simple cut back. Who knows maybe one day we'll go back but for now I'm still in love with shopping at Costco.
*Everyone at work is stressed, me included. No one knows how long the company will go on for and I really try not to worry about it because I can't change any of it. I think we are just all along for the ride and when it's over we all get off and find a new one.
*My late Grandpa's birthday is Tuesday and it's the first for my Grandma since he's been gone. I will keep her in my thoughts. She is such a trooper and I can only hope to have her strength in tough times.
*Jared's Grandma turns 91 on Tuesday, we are having a family party for her on Sunday. Pasta, salad and cake....YUM!!
*I found a website where I can get ovulation tests and pregnancy tests for super cheap. They are from Canada, so for 10 of the OPK and 2 PT it was only $22 w/ no shipping. They showed up just in the nick of time and so far so good w/ the quality too!
*Jared's gonna go to grad school at UNLV. Not happily though....I've mentioned his dreams of an Ivy League school, but with the current economy it's not practical. He was offered free tuition and $1000/ mo as a TA as long as he does good on the entrance exam. Which I have no doubt he will.

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