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Saturday, April 4, 2009


*Wow...a month already! Time flies too fast sometimes. Everyone has those periods where everything takes forever and we wish that it would be the next month...things will get better in a few months...Gosh, I can't wait till Friday!! That's a big one for me.
*Rush, Rush, Rush!
*When do we actually take the time to slow down and enjoy what is happening right now?
*This is my goal. Although it is easier to follow at home rather than work. I love my job and wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now but I can never wait till the weekend so I can spend it at home with my boys.
*This past Tuesday the company that I've worked for, for nearly the past 10 years has closed. Luckily enough they have kept me and now I work for a sister company. I'm still learning my new duties as they pile them on me, and I'll still do a lot of the things I did before. So really not much has changed. I'm excited to learn new things; it keeps the job from getting boring. My theory is that it's always more to put on a resume for the future.
*Jared had one interview this past week and I'm crossing my fingers that they call him back. He said it went very well and he felt he left a very good impact. I know that there are thousands of people out there looking for a job. I just hope that with this one particular company it works out. They tried really hard through phone and email this past fall semester to get him and they came back around this spring. So I'm staying positive and thinking that since they hunted him down two semesters in a row that they really want him.
*Jared's Grandma is in the hospital right now. She went in on Wednesday morning for chest and back pains. She had pneumonia, a collapsed lung, and left overs from her cold that started this mess. They believe they found a mass in one lung and a tumor in the other. They were able to re inflate her lung yesterday and they have drains in now to keep the fluids off of them. I went to see her last night and it was honestly better than I thought it would be. She is delusional because she is out of her comfort zone and the dementia gets worse when she isn't in her familiar surroundings. But in my heart I think she is on the road to mend. She is strong and has her fighting spirit. She can spell perfectly....although some things she shouldn't be saying aloud! We love her and want her home soon.

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