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Tuesday, February 17, 2009


-This is my one week off w/ out pay. I've gone through 2 of the 3 step process to get money from unemployment.
-I got my tax return last week so that made up for me not getting a paycheck. Now I can pay off my traffic ticket. YAY!
-We had a great 3 day weekend. Ethan went to Lani's house on Sunday so Jared and I could have our Valentine dinner. Then we got up at 4am (I got up, cause Jared was already up) and went to Denny's for breakfast! We haven't done that in years, it was nice to go out and not have to worry about anyone else.
-We have had WAY.TOO.MUCH candy this weekend. Ethan had a class party on Friday, then they gave them more in safekey, Grandma gave him Valentine candy on Saturday, he went to the movies on Sunday, and then by Monday she gave him hot chocolate with whip cream and a chocolate chip cookie, chocolate chip pancakes and lord knows what else! He's gonna have to candy detox all week from that! She gave Jared and I a box of yummy chocolate, Renee gave me a huge Hershey kiss, and I got a small box from Rebecca which was gone by the time I got home from work on Friday...I'm almost ready to throw all of it away....almost.
-They have been working on my house for 1 1/2 days now. My back slider has leaked since we moved in and they have tried everything but replacing the frame. So that's what they have been working on.
-I cleaned all day Saturday, now I don't know what to fill the rest of my week with!
-I started applying Jared for jobs, so hopefully one will come through! (cross your fingers for one that he will like locally)
-He still wants to go to graduate school anywhere but here. So that is my other challenge, trying to find a place where they have a good university for him and lots of job availability for both of us. And somewhere that the cost of living is reasonable. I'm hooked on Houston, but we shall see what comes up. It's still at least a year away.
-George has to be under the desk of who ever is in the office. It drives him crazy to lay down next to you, he has to be under you!

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