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Sunday, February 8, 2009

JuMblE I

Since I can't think of good posts to write all at once I'm going to copy cat everyone else’s idea of letting whatever is on the top of my head tumble out.

Jumble numero I:
-I absolutely HATE Jared's new schedule. He's at school 6 days a week and is to exhausted to do anything.
-I'm great full that Ethan got more green cards this last week than yellow. Green is perfect behavior and yellow is a warning...anything red, blue, or black is really bad. These past two weeks are the first since he went back to school from break that he hasn't gotten worse than yellow.
-I'm trying really hard to get back into reading. I went to the library and picked out 3 books to read in two weeks. I think I got a bit ahead of myself since it took me a week and a half to read one. But I give myself an A for effort.
-After almost 10 years since being pregnant I'm terrified of getting pregnant again. Ethan was such an easy pregnancy, and I was all of 18 w/ not much responsibility. Now I'm the bread winner and I have my life on a mental schedule and it's stressing me out.
-I'm a huge planner and I don't like the unknown.
-I don't like the fact that I have to skip a paycheck in February and HOPE that unemployment works so I can get 1/2 of my paycheck, and try and pull the other half of my bill money out of my arse!
-I started facebook and find myself searching for old people I used to talk to and never thought of talking to again, just so I can add friends.
-I want to go shopping and be REALLY irresponsible with my tax return!
-Amee reenlisted in the Army for another 4 years and is going to Korea for the 1st 18 months. After that she said she has a choice of a few different places. We can't wait till she can come and visit in October! She leaves for Korea in November of this year.
-My Grandma Chris has spoiled us with "Community Coffee". You can only get it in Louisiana and she has been mailing it to us so we could have a piece of them. I'm currently waiting on our six bags to come in the mail :) Yummmmm!!! (Which will really suck when I do get pregnant. NO MORE CAFFEINE!)

***This was way easier than thinking of one thing to write about. Maybe this will make it easier for me to post more often.

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