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Thursday, January 24, 2008

I Cheated....on my car!

And now I have to deal with it! My broke car is in the shop and has been since Monday. I'm praying that I will get it back on Friday. I rented a car since Jared is back in school and I couldn't take a week off at a time. But now I'm in love with my rental car! It has everything and only 750 miles on it, the new smell the fancy electronics........ahhh......And my poor car is in the shop all alone with a really bad leaking problem that cost about as much as my house payment to fix. The worst part of it all is that there is more wrong with it but I can't afford to fix it now. So the major work is getting done and the minor work is going to have to wait. I HATE foreign cars and why I bought one is beyond me. Well I know why I bought it, it's because I was being stingy with my money and didn't want to spend a lot and I suckered myself into buying a car for "right now" financial reasons. I knew that they were more expensive to repair but goodness how much more. I told Jared that when he is done with school he has to buy me a new car! Along with a few more things, but for starters a car.

1 comment:

Lesley Barr Photography said...

Love the new design. I have those photoshop brushes...I used some of them on Kristy's new header...funny.