You have learned how to pull yourself up on things, and oh my word you are now climbing as much as your little body will let you. Our barricades we've had to make to keep you out from under the tables are stepping stones to get the stuff on the tables. You have a voice, and boy do you use it. From yelling, shrieking, screaming, crying, growling, grunting, laughing, and talking. You are just loud, daddy says your "Lesley" loud (sorry Lesley, but I thought it was funny!) You get super mad and super loud when you can't figure out how to do something, loose what you were going after, or we take stuff away from you. Crawling has not been mastered yet but scooting across the floor, putting yourself in a sitting position from lying down, and chasing down everything that moves or reflects your image in your walker have been.
Your diet has expanded to include most of what we eat. The only treats I let you have are your cookies and maybe a bite of cake w/ out frosting, or frozen yogurt. You will eat most everything but you get tired of somethings and poke out your lips and snort through your nose when your done or bored with what we are having. I still make your food or now order you your own when we go out. Pasta is very popular with you, we had ravioli the other night and you devoured it. You understand when the spoon goes and where to put your mouth on big people cups. Gerber puffs are a favorite snack with you as well, when you were first learning how to eat them they looked like you had little bunny teeth!
We have started you on sippy cups and so far your doing really great with them. Water or juice only in those for now and milk only in your bottles. You are now a pro-bottle-holder and can do it with one hand and sometimes no hands. Right now, your lying on the floor w/ a bottle watching Baby Einstein First Signs, playing with a sock w/ both hands. Definite multi-tasker!
Soon we will have your own bedroom put together and we will make that transition. I'll post pictures of that when we are finished.
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