*Six months done and over with and we can never go back. You are getting such a personality and are noticing so much of your surroundings. The dogs are huge funny play things that make weird noises and they make you laugh.
*Your sleep schedule is kinda funky right now. You have certain blankets that have to be in a certain place otherwise you don't sleep well AT ALL. For a few months you were sleeping the night through and now you are waking up at least once per night. Don't know what happened. Your not much of a sleeper during the day so I don't know if your starving or what....you sleep when we are driving somewhere and then maybe a few 15 to 30 min naps. And by a few I mean 2 to 3 max! So seriously not much sleep. I don't know what you think your gonna miss out on but whatever it is, your not missing ANYTHING!
*You can hold your own bottle now and usually do. I can lay you down and give it to you and you are a happy girl.
*We are out of the pacifier stage. You only get it at night time when your in bed when your bottle is empty cause you get super pissed when it runs out. So we can fool you back to sleep with the pacifier.
*You can sit up on your own for a while now. You still have to hold yourself up with your hands and tip over when you lean too far. But you are getting the hang of it.
*You can make your walker go backwards pretty good and once in a while you can make it go forwards. You roll everywhere and scoot around the living room floor. The dogs have to be on watch because once you get focused in on them there is no stopping you. I know the time is coming when you will get your feet and arms in motion together and we'll have to watch out too. Right now you use your forehead and legs to scoot and then twist around on your belly. Anything sideways....your rolling to get there!
*Of course everything your not suppose to have is your favorite toy. The remotes, my hair, cell phones, necklaces, glasses, my purse and everything in it! Your starting to like the Baby Einstein movies and pay attention when the puppets come on. Also last night you got wrapped up in the baseball game with your cookie. You wouldn't give Daddy the time of day.
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