15 lbs, 24 1/4 inches, and your head is 42 cm
Hi there Munchkin...
This last month has been a great one. You've gotten to visit a lot of people; had vanilla custard at your Uncle Jan's birthday party, and got snuggles from cousins Lisa and Stacy a few different times. You are pretty happy hanging out with anyone as long as Mommy or Daddy are close by. Although you may not smile much at them you don't fuss, your just too busy checking everything out. We got more pictures done with Lesley, and you were more than just adorable. So far you still look a lot like Ethan, and get complimented EVERYWHERE we go on how beautiful you are.
We've experimented with a little vanilla yogurt and some frozen yogurt. You saw my dish and would follow the spoon and lean into my cup, so we gave you tiny bites of each. Needless to say you loved them and yelled when they were gone or when I wouldn't give you anymore.
On March 14th we started baby foods. So far you've had green beans (you loved), peaches (were ok, you had the body shakes and sour face for the first few bites), sweet potatoes (you loved), pears (they were cold so you didn't eat much), squash (you loved), and bananas (you LOVED). For brunch I mix the fruits w/ your oatmeal and you really like that and open wide for those bites; and at dinner you get the veggie w/ a little fruit. I was surprised at how easy it was to feed you and how well you took to it. Again, you and Ethan are a lot alike on this. We don't have food problems with him and I don't expect them with you.
Daddy still gets the biggest smiles. No matter what time of day he can get them!
You have learned to like tummy time and can flip over easily from front to back, and you worked really hard to go from back to front. Now you are trying to roll every time you are put down. One of these days you will figure out that you can roll both ways and get places!
You have also found your voice and "talk" to everything. It's pretty funny to listen to, you will go on for minutes at a time. You've started yelling when you get frustrated and only cry when you are really upset. "Click here to listen!"
At your 4 month appointment you got another round of shots; you cried when you got them and on the way out you yelled at the nurse and the doctor. It was very funny to listen too!!
Ahhhh, little one we love you and can't wait to see what next month brings us.
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