The last two weeks have been a little rough. Work is coming to an end and the job hunt is on. Not that I really want to work but I need to have something in the works. I had one interview that went very well and another job lined up that I really like. We are still waiting on the final word from Jared's work to see if they will pick him up for the fall or not. So it's a waiting game for both of us and neither of us is very patient right now.
I'm not sure if it's due to my belly growing or stress or a combination of both. But I've had the worst aches and pains..they were bad enough on Thursday to go to urgent care. Then as soon as I got there they stopped...typical, right? It takes a lot for me to go to the doctor, but I figured it's better to be safe then sorry. Needless to say the doctor said that my aches were due to everything stretching and growing and the tests they ran came back clean. So now knowing what "normal" aches and pains feel like they are wearing me down. It feels like the baby is stretching out and is sticking whatever limbs where ever they will go. My back hurts and I get cramps off and on. I go to my doctor next week and will definitely mention it. But holy crapola...I don't remember it doing this the first time around????? I've been trying to take it easy and lay down as much as possible and that does seem to help.
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