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Sunday, August 24, 2008


Another month is almost gone. Tomorrow both of the boys go back to school and we will get back to our routine. I must say the summer with them off has been really nice. We have been able to go for walks a few times a week, sleep in, stay up as late as we could, and all of the fun little things that we could think of.
It's bittersweet for me to have them go back. I thrive on routine and schedules but I love spending time with them. The next break will come for Ethan on Thanksgiving when he also goes on track break and won't go back to school until after the New Year. Jared will be out half way through December and won't go back until the last week or two of January. So I'm counting down until December when both my boys are out again and I can be spoiled with all of their attention.

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